Printing Label

 Course Title: Course 201 - Updated Label Printing Course

This is a digital course on branding for small business

updated label printing course

This is  our updated digital course on how small and micro businesses can print labels on their packaging nylons without using any printing machine, without any previous printing experience and without cutting the nylon rolls into small sections before printing. With this updated course, small businesses can print on the nylon rolls directly just like big printing companies.  

Course overview

This Label printing course is loaded with 12 chapters. Full videos, with detailed practical on how small businesses can print labels on their packaging materials and brand their items just like big companies. We demonstrated printing on industrial nylon rolls without using any printing machine and without cutting the nylon rolls into smaller portions before printing. This is an improvement on our previous course where we had to cut the nylon rolls into smaller sizes before printing on them.  We also demonstrated printing on single nylons with different colours. 

Chapter one is an introduction to the course. In chapter two we made available the required  items and materials needed for the project, explaining the work of each  material and where they can be purchased. These materials are available in every nation of the world. It does not matter where you reside in this world, you can have access to those materials. They are also very affordable, very durable and something you can use for years. Those items are in our everyday markets. You can also order them online if you wish. 

In  chapters 3, 4 and 5, we demonstrated the pre-stages of the printing and how to get the materials readily available for use. So the processes of getting all the equipment ready for the printing were fully demonstrated in these three chapter. Our videos are fully detailed and easy to understand. Whether you are experienced in printing or not, you can easily flow with our video trainings because they are very user friendly. 

In chapters 6 -10, the printing proper was done both for direct printing on a complete industrial nylon roll without cutting it at all, and printing on single nylons as well. Different sealing methods were considered and explained before carrying out the printing.  In these chapters, we also demonstrated how to have smooth and hitch free printing  irrespective of the number of materials you want to print on. We also demonstrated how to get rid of ink from those materials immediately you are done printing. We took time to demonstrate how to print with single colour and how to print with more than one colours. We demonstrated how you can do continuous printing without have any issues and how to have a sharp and smart print outs. In all these things, we did not use any single printing machine, we used simple, cheap and common tools available in our everyday markets. If you check the video above, you will see the outcome of our print out. 

In chapter 11 we demonstrated how to take care of all the materials used in printing  and how to preserve them to be used next time. 

In chapter 12 we tested our project by using those branded nylons to package real life products and the outcome was simply amazing. 

To place your order for course 201- our updated branding course, Click here 

You can also WhatsApp us on +2348102956113 to place your order for the course. 

Our course 201 is the branding course that every up coming and micro businesses need to brand their products and to make their items meet up to the market standard in terms of packaging. 

Very important

The moment you successfully make your payment, the file will open so that you can download  them at once.  You need about 245mb to download the course. 


If you are having issues making payment online,  then you can whatsapp us on +2348102956113.

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1) Click on order now and Flutterwaves page will open. Fill in your name and email address, then click on pay.
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