Cake packaging


1. Introduction to cake packaging for small businesses 
2. items required for cake packaging 
3. Measuring your cup cake
4. Transferring the cup cake measurement to your packaging nylon.
5. Print your label on the nylon
6. Start the process of Chivital sealing and packaging method for your cake
7 . Walah! Your cake is ready for marketing 

Introduction to cake packaging for small businesses

If you are good in cake making, then you can turn it into a lucrative business. In this blog, I will  teach you the beautiful packaging method you can use to package your delicious cake. With Chivital sealing and packaging method your cake will stand out in the midst of other cup cakes packaged by other small businesses. This will make your products sell faster than the other products. Let's jump into the process. 

Items you will require:

Your cup cake
Packaging nylon
Tape for measurement
A pair of scissors
Lined surface mini hand sealer
Smooth surface mini hand sealer

Measuring your cup cake

Measure the dimensions of your cake with measurement tape. You actually want to get the height and the width of the cup cake. To get the width, let your tape go round the width. To get the height, measure from the middle of one end to the middle of the other end. Add extra one inch to the height, add extra one inch to the width. In this tutorial, the height of the cake is 4 inches so I will add extra 1 inch to the height when I will be transferring the measurement to packaging nylon. The width is 6.5 inches, so I will also add extra one inch to the width. 

Transferring the cup cake measurement to your packaging nylon

Measure out your cake's height and weight on your packaging nylon. Remember you will add one inch extra to the height and one inch extra to the width.  The height of the cake will serve as the length of the nylon. Then with your pair of scissors, cut out the measurement you have marked on your packaging nylon. 

Print your label on your cake packaging nylon 

Lay your nylon well on your table and print your design on your nylon. To learn more about printing labels on packaging nylon  Click here  

Start the process of Chivital sealing and packaging method for your cake packaging. 

Step 1

Fold your nylon into two equal parts in such a way that your design will be at the centre of your nylon, the middle serves as the front while the other ends opposite the middle serves as the back. Make sure both ends at the back are equal, then seal up the back with the smooth surface mini hand sealer. Be careful to seal half an inch or less because if you seal more than half inch your cake might not be able to enter the nylon. 

Step 2

Insert the cake inside the nylon from one end and make sure that your label and your cake are at the centre of the nylon, while your back sealing is also at the middle of the back. 

Step 3

Hold the left end of your nylon together making sure that the both ends are equal, then with the lined surface mini hand sealer, seal that left end. Seal half inch. Repeat the same process for the right end. 

Walah! Your cake is ready for marketing. 

Now your cake is fully packaged and ready for sales. You can sell these cakes in your shop if you have one. You may also supply them to super markets and other shops. If you make your research, you will see other places you can market your cake. 

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