Soap packaging with paper sticker


soap paxkaging


Here you will learn how to package any kind of tablet soap with paper sticker. Click here to check out my video where I packaged soap with branded industrial nylon.

The process

The items you need are: industrial nylon, mini hand sealers, a pair of scissors, your design on paper sticker, thick white paper. tape, the tablet soap you want to package, super glue and razor blade. This packaging method is economical because you will get 4 times of your design in one A4 paper sticker.

First you take the measurement of your soap. In my case, the height of my soap is 3 inches but I will cut out 4.5 inches height from the factory nylon. The width of my soap is 5 inches, but I will cut out 6 inches from the nylon. Likewise you will use the same measurement for your paper sticker design. 

With the above measurements, you create your design on the computer and print it on paper sticker.. If you cannot do the designing by yourself then you will have to engage the services of a graphic designer. While creating your design on the computer do not forget to add a window through which the buyers of your soap can see the content they are buying. It is always advisable for small businesses to allow a transparent window through which their customers can see the content they are buying. 

In the paper sticker, cut of the provision you made for the window, then gradually open up the paper sticker and paste it on the factory nylon. Make sure the window you created is at the middle of your design so that it can showcase your brand very well.

Now get your thick white paper and cut out exactly the measurement of the soap on it. The essence of the white thick paper is to support the soap. With your razor blade and scissors, cut out the same window you cut on the paper sticker on the thick white paper. Make the windows are in the same position as the on the paper sticker so that nothing will block the soap from being visible through the window you have created. Position the white thick paper well on the nylon and with your super glue the thick white paper  glue to the nylon, making sure that both windows align.

Now that you have arranged all the packaging materials, the next thing is to add the soap at the center of the materials, ensuring that the soap is being displayed through the window just like the picture above, Next fold the packaging material at the back to cover the soap, then close it up with super glue. 

Next you fold the up part and down part like I explained in my video below and close up the whole packaging  with super glue.


Now your soap is ready for marketing. If you really want to be using this method of packaging for your soap, then you will buy your paper sticker in bulk and print your designs with the printers that have Direct Image (DI) printers or printers that have large format/DI printing machines. This wil make your printing to be way cheaper. 

Thank you for reading my blog, hope you learnt something new today. 

Watch my YouTube video below for a better practical understanding of all i have explained above. 

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Practice what you are learning

To place your order for the factory nylon and the mini hand sealers to help you practice what you are learning from our channel so that you can start generating  more and more income send us an email at and we will reply you within 24 hours. You can us send us email for further enquiries

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