Bread packaging for small businesses


Bread packaging for small businesses


In this blog, we will be learning how small businesses can package bread. Bread is a staple food that almost everyone enjoys. Bread business is a lucrative business, so if you know how to make bread in any form or shape irrespective of where you reside in this world, you can turn it into a full time business or a part time business. Here, I will teach you how to package the bread as a small business. 

To start

You get your bread ready, then you get your packaging nylons ready too. The nylon I used here is a simple nylon that is available in almost every packaging shop. In Nigeria, in this 2024. this nylon is one of the most available nylons in packaging shops. But you can equally use any other nylon that will be suitable for your packaging.

The next thing is to brand the nylon. To get my course on how small business can print label on their packaging nylons do the following:

  1. Visit -
  2. Click the menu
  3. Click courses 
  4. Click printing label on nylon
  5. Read the overview, then click order now to get the course.

You can also click here to take you to the website 

After branding your nylon, you arrange it like I did in the video below, then you seal the back. After sealing the back, you seal one end of the nylon, then you add the bread and seal up the other end. Watch the video below for better understanding. 


With this method you can package your bread for direct sales or supplies to shops and supermarkets. I believe you learnt something new today. Thank you for visiting my blog. 

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To get my course on how small businesses can print on their packaging nylon without a printing machine click here

To get my course on A-z of ogbono packaging business click here 

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